Rauna May
Rauna May has been in full time ministry for over forty-five years. For eight years, until returning to Canada over six years ago, she was one of the pastors at New Hope Christian Fellowship, a church of 14,500 weekly congregants in Honolulu, Hawaii. While with New Hope she also planted a New Hope Spanish campus.
She has traveled as an international conference speaker, for many years, ministering by the power of the Holy Spirit in over one hundred and twenty countries. For the sixteen years prior to moving to Hawaii, she was the senior pastor of a Foursquare church that she planted in New Westminster, B.C. Canada. This church had a widely impacting, life-changing outreach to the poor, drug addicts, alcoholics, and prostitutes. So many lives were touched and addicts set free that the ministry was recognized by all levels of the Canadian government.
Over the years, other than planting the church in New Westminster she was part of the pastoral team of other church plants and on staff at another church. She was involved with a large radio and television ministry and also had her own program as well on a popular secular radio station.
Since returning to Canada from Hawaii, Rauna has been involved in church planting and outreach ministry in Metro Vancouver.
Over the years, in many countries, she has been considered a pastor to pastors, and a mentor to many young emerging leaders. During her time in Hawaii she was also a professor at a Christian College.
Although others have given her many titles: Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist, it is her true desire that she be known as a Godly woman and a friend.
Rauna is married to Bob, her husband of years. They have three grown children and five grandchildren.